so cute
d sent me this yesterday. the dude's dance at the end is the best.
d sent me this yesterday. the dude's dance at the end is the best.
Posted by c & d at 9:02 a.m. 1 comments
~ starting to pack (lots of clothes to give away... let me know if you wanna take a look)
~ added finishing touches to my resume
~ slipped in the shower (ask me to tell you the story, embarassing but funny and also the scariest 2 seconds of my life)
~ i have oilers playoff fever
~ am enjoying my new glasses and wear them faithfully~ bought the arctic monkeys cd and continually listened to it for a week (d had to take it out because i just couldn't do it, it is that good)
~ loving my job because nice weather = being outside = kids introducing "jennifer & chrissy" to their friends = us feeling cool and loved and popular~ went out for lunch yesterday with mel
~ i am now officially chrissy boone~ season 4 of buffy is going well
~ buying season 5 of friends today
~ holly is now 13 days old
~ anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new nofx cd that i ordered directly from them (you know: support the artist, pay less, get wicked extras like stickers and buttons but have to wait longer to get a newly released album)
~ going to the gym 5 days a week, still not close to how i want to look
i really don't know what else i have to tell you. we will hopefully be having some semblance of a party before we move out of our apartment at the end of the may, i will be applying for jobs starting next week, life is good.
Posted by c & d at 11:15 a.m. 3 comments
C says:
jason smells
Jay says:
i smell good
C says:
says you
Jay says:
like flowers
C says:
what kind of flowers
Jay says:
pretty smelling ones
C says:
i don't believe you
Jay says:
come smell me then
C says:
um... thanks, but...
C says:
maybe later
Jay says:
ill keep my calendar open
Posted by c & d at 11:27 a.m. 1 comments
holly was born at 8:30 this morning. 7lbs 8oz. i was there. saw it all. cut the cord. amazing. and also...
the easter bunny looks strangely like my mom. interesting...
Posted by c & d at 8:59 p.m. 2 comments
ouch!! my teeth f'ing hurt!! i couldn't even chew a gumball yesterday. and sometimes, my chipped front tooth aches. i'm scared. need to find a nice dentist. like jennifer said, one with no guilt tripping. i hear some dentists have headphones and little tv's for you to watch while they drill and such. i want one of those dentists. i have a feeling i'm going to be in for a lot of pain.
Posted by c & d at 2:12 p.m. 2 comments
I spent 3 hours cleaning the apartment today and it still looks the same, it just smells a bit better. It's a little disappointing. Anyway here's some more pictures...
We're so friggin' coool. That's right, 3 o's, that's how darn cool we are.
Posted by c & d at 7:42 p.m. 2 comments
sean had a party last night. he told us that it was a "silly hat party" and that we had to wear silly hats. but then he asked if i have ever been fooled on april fools day and i said no and he said "hmmm. me neither." that conversation made me suspicious that this would not be a silly hat party at all and that this was sean's april fools day joke. so we wore no silly hats. and I WAS RIGHT. i foiled the fool. ha.
there was this guy there that looked like dad. when i saw him, i told sean and we started laughing uncontrollably because it really did look like dad. i yelled out "randy!" a few times and he looked at me which freaked me out and made us all laugh even more. later on sean found out that his real name is murray (or something like that) and he told him that he looked like our dad and said that we were sorry if he saw us staring at him earlier but that it was only because he looks so much like our dad. crazy. HI DADDY!!
erin and i joked about sean and mike having play dates every sunday. david is from australia and we decided that his nicknames (aussie and wallaby) are very unoriginal but he left the garage before we could come up with better ones. he didn't leave because we offended him, only because he got a phone call. evil nick is very entertaining and always so happy. more than one person said that they like me. so darren and i tied for winning the day. he doesn't know that yet. he still thinks that he was the winner of the day because he said nice things about me to granny.
Posted by c & d at 11:49 a.m. 1 comments
c: what do you want to do today??? no, really. anything? movie? anything besides smelling your fingers?
d: not really
c: mmm... great. this is going to be a fun weekend.
d: finger sniffin' fun
c: i have nothing to say to you.
Posted by c & d at 11:31 a.m. 0 comments