so long...
yo. and also, sayonara.
we are heading across the country starting tomorrow so you probably won't hear much from us until we get back to canada. so be prepared to be flooded with pictures of our adventure when we get back.
ok? ok.
yo. and also, sayonara.
we are heading across the country starting tomorrow so you probably won't hear much from us until we get back to canada. so be prepared to be flooded with pictures of our adventure when we get back.
ok? ok.
Posted by c & d at 8:30 p.m. 0 comments
finished. i thought today would be my last day at work. nope. i made 3 speeches on friday, they gave me some very beautiful flowers, and on my way i went. finished.
now onto the busy.
today: cleaning and laundry and packing
tuesday: tokyo tower and ueno zoo
wednesday: disney sea
thursday: move out
friday: maybe nothing
saturday: our goodbye party
sunday: the adventure begins
it makes me tired just to look at it...
Posted by c & d at 4:54 p.m. 1 comments
the day of many things. ok, maybe not many things. how about just a day of things.went to yoyogi park and met up with guys i had training with when we first got here. man, i have a GIANT mouth...
this thing was on a leash. what is it?!?!
then we went to a tiny little bar for guy's show. the first band was some japanese businessmen...
when they first got on stage, they pointed at us and introduced themselves as "handsome men". and then they started to sing. imagine a soft spoken elmer fudd doing covers of pink floyd...
then there was guy with his lady bass doing covers of cream songs. the dude on the left is inaizumi. i taught with him at my last school. he likes the rock.
oh, and we thought you should all know that james brown is not dead. he is alive and well and working the door at terra live spot in tokyo.
and in case you're counting, it's 24 days...
Posted by c & d at 8:42 p.m. 1 comments
they tried to make me eat pig liver today. they put it with vegetables and covered it in a delicious sauce. lucky for me, i eat around the meat if i don't think it's chicken.
nice try, japan.
nothing is new. time is going fast.
we are going to disney sea on the 27th. we have to move on the 29th. we are adventuring as of april 1st.
i have a new job. i start april 16th. i hope it's everything i think it'll be.
d and i have taken to playing cards to kill the time. he really is lucky at everything.maybe we'll start packing things this weekend. we should. will we? who knows...
Posted by c & d at 2:51 a.m. 0 comments
do you know what is a good movie? stranger than fiction.
do you know what is not a good movie? miami vice.
that is all.
Posted by c & d at 12:15 a.m. 0 comments
i loved it. it made me sad that we are leaving soon. no more shows. bah!!
ryo is the drummer. no english. gave us shirts and stickers and high-fives and hugs... and showed me pictures of his cat.
between songs there is no yelling or sounds of excitement. sometimes there is not even clapping. at the end of the band's set, everyone golf claps and then the lights come on. that's it.
we don't stand out at all when we go to small, intimate gatherings with our japanese friends... no, no, especially not darren...
so yeah. thursday night was fun.
now let me tell you about yesterday.
yesterday on the train... just before we get on, this guy sees d's jacket that has 2 stripes down the sleeves and thinks that 2 is the same as 3. he gets very excited because he is wearing an adidas jacket. he YELLS to d in japanese that they are the same. d just smiles and nods... we get on the train and dude sits right across from us. the whole way back he randomly YELLS stuff at us: where the adidas store is he goes to, he does judo, he is a weightlifter... at one point he got up, came over to us and shoved his adidas watch in d's face. all this because d had stripes on his sleeves... oh, he also YELLasked d "are you a beautiful girl?" that's the best part. the whole train was totally silent... so funny.
new pictures on flickr... or here for the slideshow. just some more shots of the show and some from around my school...
Posted by c & d at 3:31 p.m. 0 comments
we are going to see cocobat tonight. tokiko is dating the drummer and he gave her free tickets for us. sweet.
yesterday she said "it's small and dirty. is that ok?"
it's perfect.
Posted by c & d at 1:15 a.m. 0 comments
friday was another night of karaoke.yup... i sang backstreet's back. alright?
guy's in a band and he plays the lady bass.
on our way home from karaoke we always seem to be funny and camera happy.
see what i mean?that's me being a dinosaur.
that's darren being a fruit stand.
me: that table won't hold you.
d: why not? they put watermelons on it all the time.
me: not once has there been a watermelon on that table.
d: i know.i love that dragon. it makes me want to eat at that restaurant.
people are starting to realize that we are leaving soon and it's making them want to hang out with us at every possible moment. last night we had a trivia night at the school and then went to watch our friend rob spin. did we bring the camera? no. why? we are stupid.
that is all.
Posted by c & d at 7:03 p.m. 3 comments
more new things for the blog. now we have a poll down the side. do it. you know you want to...
if you don't watch heroes, don't worry. we'll change the question sometime...
Posted by c & d at 2:48 p.m. 1 comments