Saturday, November 6, 2004

Hi Again

Hi again... and it feels good... to be here. We haven't felt like this for awhile and it's pretty nice. Nothing to do...nowhere to go... nothing to be. Here's a question, why does anyone feel the need to do anything? Anything, that is, more than what "needs to be done". I guess what "needs to be done" is a subjective view. But so far, we've managed to get what we, and society ('cause we still bide by the laws... sort of), feel "needs to be done" , and we still have lots of time for ourselves. Granted we don't have kids or other obligations (outside of work) to consider. We live simple, we don't vote, we don't watch T.V.(except for cartoons). We look after ourselves fairly well, but we're by no means gym junkies. You want to not like us because we're so good together, but you can't because we're so good apart too, as individuals. We do what we can to be a bright spot on the road to wherever you're headed when our paths cross. We do what we can, for who we can because we've been down some of the paths that these people are going down. We'll tell them what's down there and we'll always be there if they decide to come back. We seem to make people smile and feel pretty good, and that fuels us to keep going doing what we're doing. People look to us for advice, and seem to value our opinions. What we say may not be what you want to hear, it will be what we believe to be the best advice. If you don't really want to know, don't ask. It's rare to find a couple that doesn't fight, each holds the other in the highest regard and there's a mutual respect and admiration at the base of it. But that all said, we know it could all be gone tomorrow, so we live with what we've got today, so we don't regret yesterday.

1 comment:

c & d said...

hey, are you putting words in my mouth?!?! you don't know me, man!!

oh, wait a minute... you know me better than i ever thought i wanted anyone to know me. so i guess you have my permission to speak for me.

seedy forever