Wednesday, May 11, 2005

40 oz. to freedom (sublime)

so, it turns out that $600 a month isn't enough for me to do the shit that having a paper route requires. so very much shit.

but on a happier note... d finished school and got his official bartending certificate!! yay d!! and the job hunt begins...

what should i do for some extra cash? no funny answers here either, please. much appreciated.

sorry for the lame post. it's been a tough week around here. j's doing ok. she's been making some tough decisions. i can't even imagine what it's like to be 21 and deciding what to do with your mom's ashes. it's hard to watch her go through this. she's a totally different girl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations D!!
You'll have to tell me about your paper route non-experience. I may be picking up another one that pays way better, since I'll be up at that time of the morning anyways. I can do Calgary papers around our neighbourhood (52 papers in total) for $25 per day plus gas allowance (since they're more spread out, have to drive them). But hey, that's like $750 per month, no collecting. I should be able to maintain it until July, anyway.