Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
hello time bomb (matthew good band)
have you ever been scared? what about sad? have you ever been so scared and so sad that you cut yourself just so that you could have one reason to explain all of the pain you feel? probably not.
today i contracted with a 14 year old girl to not hurt herself between now and monday. she had cuts all over her arms. she is going to court on tuesday to testify against the guy who sexually assaulted her. they aren't sure if they are going to put the screen up infront of her when she testifies. the defence uses this as a "tactic", the fighting for the screen to be removed, in the hopes that the witness will either run away or kill themselves before the trial. nice. i fucking hate this world.
Posted by c & d at 8:20 p.m. 3 comments
Monday, November 21, 2005
thank god it's monday (nofx)
i would just like to say that i loved my weekend.i love that so many people came out to my party.
i love that even the crazy drunk girl didn't ruin the evening. i love that the only thing that made me cry was the poem that mel wrote for me.
i love that jennifer gave me playdough and that everyone played with it while we were in the bar.
i love that j was the first one there and stayed for the whole night.
and people ask me why i love my birthday so much...
Posted by c & d at 12:50 p.m. 1 comments
Thursday, November 17, 2005
lodi dodi (snoop dogg)
"lodi dodi we likes to party. we don't cause trouble. we don't bother nobody."
friday night.
the billiard club.
be there.
oh yeah.
Posted by c & d at 11:25 p.m. 4 comments
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
happy birthday (the beatles)
happy birthday to me!! wanna play "find the new piercing"? it's pretty easy... it's the one that's swollen and red and looks a little bloody...
Posted by c & d at 8:32 a.m. 6 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2005
good night, good night (hot hot heat)
so i don't think that it had to do with us. we went for ice cream today, just j and me, and it was fun. i had coffee with cookie dough and j had pina coloda with coconut. so full. jealous? should be. it was good.michael is the proud recipient of the passes i won to see the green day dvd screening but i kept the stickers and the key chain rope thing that has a name i can never remember but i think they are cool. i think it starts with "l". if he is ever to win anything, especially if he wins anything at the screening, he is to give whatever it is directly to me, assuming that it is not too manly like a chainsaw or a stack of used pornography.
what do you call a man with no arms and no legs that smells like a farm?
yo mama so old, she owes jesus $3.
what has 2 legs and bleeds a lot?
~ half a dog
what do you call a man with no arms and no legs who also lost his head?
thank you and good night
Posted by c & d at 7:41 p.m. 1 comments
breakdown (jack johnson)
This is Jack... and this is why I love him.
(double click it for full screen)
He's so wonderful.
Posted by c & d at 11:22 a.m. 0 comments
Thursday, November 10, 2005
times like these (jack johnson)
what happened?!?!?
i don't know. she wouldn't say. can't fix it. not going to try. all of a sudden she was different again. i thought it might be too good to be true. too much of a good thing. cliche cliche. insert your own here: ______________.
Posted by c & d at 11:05 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
she (green day)
so, jason talking about his luck on the radio reminded me that i recently experienced some luck on the radio too. on sonic they have been giving away tickets to an advanced screening of green day's upcoming dvd. they were telling you what green day song to listen for and you had to be like the 4th caller or something like that. so, friday night, i'm driving home from work and i stop to get gas. i get back in the car and "she" is playing. so i called in (just in case). the dude answers the phone and starts talking to me like we go way back. "so, any plans for the weekend?" "me neither. i'll probably go out with some friends for a few drinks but that'll be about it." after a bit of this, he says "so what can i do for ya?" i said "well, i know you guys have been giving away tickets to screen that new dvd from green day." he says "we have." and i go on to say "so, i get in my car and hear "she" on the radio. i think to myself i wonder if this is the song to call in for. i don't know but i'm gonna call anyway." then the dude goes "so you called anyway?" i say "yup." he says "nope. wrong song. but, you sound pretty great, so i'm gonna give you 2 passes anyways."
ps though, i don't think i can use them... d and i both work until 8pm. so i guess i should go pick them up and see when it starts.
Posted by c & d at 3:17 p.m. 2 comments
Monday, November 7, 2005
hitchin' a ride (green day)
more of my results from quizzes i've taken recently (i've taken a gazillion more than i posted) told me that:
~ i am french food and also a mai tai (gavin and darren are now my little strawberry daquiris)
~ my funky inner hair color is orange
~ my "daddy" is patrick stewert and
~ i should learn to speak spanish. oh, and also, i should live in london.
i never knew these things about myself...
here's melanie's new car.pretty nice, huh?
Posted by c & d at 9:03 a.m. 1 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2005
the joker (steve miller band)
Me?... why, I like one-liners:
- How does it change many dyslexics to take a lightbulb?
- So this baby seal walks into a club...
- I used to be indecisive... now I'm not so sure.
- Of course, on the other hand, you have different fingers.
- To err is human... to moo, bovine.
Oh yeah there's more...
...but not now.
Posted by c & d at 12:55 p.m. 2 comments
Saturday, November 5, 2005
piece of crap (neil young)
Today, I have a very short fuse and everyone is walking around flicking lighters. I'm tired. I'm tired of hearing peoples petty problems. I'm tired of them expecting me to fix them somehow. I can't go back in time nor do I have control of the future. I don't care if someone drove on the sidewalk yesterday, and I can't stop pigeons from pooping on your car. Shit happens. Was anyone then what? Complaining about it doesn't make it go away or stop it from happening again (yes I see the irony in me complaining). There's only one thing I can do i guess... I'm gonna start pooping on cars.
That said... here are some funny cartoons...
Posted by c & d at 5:18 p.m. 0 comments
shut up already (nofx)
Your Alias Should Be: |
Your Element is Earth |
Your power color: yellow Your energy: balancing Your season: changing of seasons Dedicated and responsible, you are a rock to your friends. You are skilled at working out even the most difficult problems. Low key and calm, you are happiest when you are around loved ones. Ambitious and goal oriented, you have long term plans to be successful. |
You Are Not Scary |
Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet? |
and now for some jokes... some not very appropriate jokes...
did you hear about the paranoid guy with low self-esteem?
he thought that nobody important was out to get him.
why couldn't dracula's wife get to sleep?
because of his coffin.
how do you know if you've passed an elephant?
you can't put the toilet seat down.
what happened to the cannibal who arrived late for the dinner party?
he was given the cold shoulder.
Posted by c & d at 4:54 p.m. 1 comments
do you want to (franz ferdinand)
i've decided to go out for my birthday so tell me what you think...
Posted by c & d at 10:18 a.m. 3 comments
Thursday, November 3, 2005
rock star (cypress hill)
hey... did you guys take a look at the link d posted? why not??? you should... hint: it's him playing his guitar. i love and luv him.
my life is soooooo very boring right now. i feel like i should have something to say, but i really don't. justin is here. he's 24. i remember when he was a punk kid turning 18. oh, those were some crazy times... lots of fun... i kinda miss living with all those guys.
pictures, pictures, pictures
Posted by c & d at 10:02 p.m. 0 comments
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
untitled (pearl jam)
to follow in the rock theme, here's a link for ya. (if it works, or doesn't, let us know.) be careful, it's kinda loud. jammin'
Posted by c & d at 8:02 p.m. 2 comments