Tuesday, March 7, 2006

i guess i'm "it"

you are about to read some things that you may find shocking, disturbing, ridiculous, or maybe even uninteresting. dear angela has tagged me. what does this mean? well the rules are like this:

1. thank whoever tagged you
2. list 5 weird things about your self
3. tag 5 other people

here it goes...

angela, gracias senorita.

5 things:
~ i like to have the water running when i pee
~ i read and follow the directions for everything
~ i hate socks
~ the hair on my legs is so fine and light that i rarely shave them
~ i wish i could skateboard

phew, that wasn't so tough. and finally... i tag darren, melanie , roberto, jason, and jennifer.

i expect to see some thanks to me on your blogs very soon!!


a-head in life said...

I'm Done. Check me out.

Unknown said...

am i allowed to repeat the weird things about me, since i got tagged by someone else a few weeks ago?