Wednesday, June 7, 2006

what? oh, that.

can anyone tell me how to say "i got the job" in japanese? cuz i did!!! we have to be there by august 26th at the latest and i have training and then i start on september 1st. I KNOW!!

other than that...

~ our basement suite is looking pretty sweet (get it? suite and sweet? ha!)
~ apples and peanut butter are delicious
~ i cried lots during buffy last night
~ don't know what to do with my hair
~ i like the shopping with the jennifer (i think i'm gonna get that clock)
~ keep the faith is a damn fine album
~ sooooooooooooo much toooooooooooooooooo dooooooooooooooooooooo


a-head in life said...

Very very happy for you, very very proud of you, very very sad for me and the others here in Edmonton that will miss you more than we can say. XOXOXO

That goes for you too D

Anonymous said...

the? what the hell happened to le?