always grow
things i have learned in the past week:
being the common couple amongst an additional couple of couples is somewhat awkward and stressful.
if you like a boy, bake him a pie. no, two pies. oh, and don't look directly at him. i heard that he could read your mind and figure out that you like him and if you look at him when he's not looking at you then he won't know but other people will know.
i cannot juggle nor do magic tricks. i definitely can't swallow fire and sword swallowers are unnatural and repulse me.
i have a best friend.
weird. see, there's this girl that keeps stalking me at work, and she won't look at me. but she keeps showing up with pea and mince meat pies. does that mean she likes me? i like her feet... does that mean i like her?
hi, or hai. i miss you and love you!!
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