another day in harajuku
we found out there was a shrine right behind the harajuku station so we went back.this is a wishing tree. you write a wish and the priests read them aloud during their ceremonies.
this is one of the jingu bashi girls. this is her weekend escape costume.
takeshita dori at sunset. it`s takeshita not "take a shit"...
and these are some of the kids from my school. they were in a speech contest. 2nd from the right is sayaka. she came in 2nd place.
i`m very homesick right now. don`t really want to talk about it.
going to get a cell phone and the internet at home hopefully this week. within the next month for sure.
gayle`s wedding is in 3 weeks. her mom emailed me and asked me to write something to be read at the reception. it`s making me miss her a lot. we`ve emailed some pretty sappy stuff back and forth. growing up sucks.
maybe having pizza tonight for dinner. there`s a pizza hut just down the street from our apartment. ahhhhhhhh pizza hut.