the definition of massive
so we ventured into tokyo. every train station is like a city in itself. there is no "downtown". city centres are surrounding the train stations. pictures really don`t do this place justice.
my favorite places so far are ikebukero and (sorry jennifer) harajuku.
i love harajuku. and it makes me hate gwen stefani even more. they have the best shops and the best prices and i saw more lip rings there yesterday than i have seen the whole time we`ve been in japan.
right beside the harajuku station is a square where teenage girls hang out on the weekends all decked out in their gothy best. from what i understand, they are the outcasts and bullied kids at school and so on the weekend, they get together and celebrate their outcastness. no pictures of them, but soon.
it`s been raining so much. typhoon season and whatnot. and the rain doesn`t stop people from doing anything. i`ve seen old ladies in their rainsuits holding umbrellas while they ride their bikes to the store. it`s just what you do.
darren isn`t going to be teaching in tokyo. we figured it out and the commute was just too long (at least an hour and a half on the train and then some time on buses) and they were giving him no support at all with finding the schools and introducing him to staff. he wasn`t feeling comfortable with the whole thing.
met some people... 4 other alt`s in asaka. 2 from the states and 2 from new zealand. also met john from australia. he runs an english school. been here for 7 years. he`s as old as darren. they talked about vision streetwear and the golden days of skateboarding.
well, more pics if it ever stops raining.
I think Darren had a brighter future as an entertainer anyway.
There's always internet trading too.
If he DOESN'T become Prince Charming, we are all going to be vastly disappointed.
/Just kidding
//But not really.
PS how far into buffy did you get? I'll burn you what you haven't seen yet.
i don't have a problem with harajuku. i have a problem with sell-outs.
Hokay, way to lazy to loggeth in *oogles at my snazzy speech* BUT like yah Chrissy-san YOU so HAVE to get some pics of those "outcasts" for me! *wuppy-dog eyes* I'm SO HYPER. *hehehe* It'd be like uber cool to see how the outcasts of Japan express themselves and all, cause me and my pals, well, I guess we're not that brave in the ways of expressing ourselves like that. Sept maybe me *ebil laugh* I'm like the Punk Queen of Clover Hole! ALL FEAR MY HYPER SCARYNESS!! *GRR*
[Oh, and I'm not considered Goth(ish)no more things going on over here make it a major no-no to be one, tis why I now consider myself a HYPA SHADOW. Will explain more on my blog, on Monday!]
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