Saturday, October 28, 2006

trick or treat, smell my feet...

first we partied with the kids. then we partied with the "adults". i wore my pyjamas and carried around a stuffed animal. cute, right? lame i say. darren was very popular as superman. why? i'll leave that to your imagination...some of our pictures are too, shall we say, risque? to be posted. not of us, of course. but of stuff like this guy...this is the most clothing this guy had on all night. seriously. where do you even buy a shiny gold g-string?

we're listening to the oilers game right now. the announcers keep reporting accidents all over edmonton. scary. pisani just scored!!! yay!!! uh-oh...they're going upstairs. it's good!!!!!

ok, now more halloween pictures.and then at the end of the evening... we snap back to reality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics. Looks like a fun party. Is darren being kurt cobain in that one? And is that scott bakula playing with the children?