Friday, November 10, 2006

saturday morning

so that's it. the inside of our apartment. i guess it's more like a room. it's very very tiny. questions about any of it... comment people!!

how many days until my parents come to visit? i don't know. but i'm going to count today.

i have a very runny nose and a sore throat. oh, i also have a zit on my lip. i'm sexy in japan.

d ate all of the chocolate last night while i was asleep. he was up till 5:30am. no coffee for him after like noon from now on.

it's rainy right now. it's been sunny and warm like all week so i guess it's ok. i don't have to go anywhere today so rain on japan!! rain on. but just for today. maybe tomorrow too. but on monday, you definitely have to stop it.

gayle just got back from her wedding. told me that she drove marc crazy saying "when chrissy and i were here...". that made me happy.

did you ever think that anyone in the world still used 1-ply toilet paper? japan does.

ok... back to bed. crap, the oilers game starts in 10 minutes. decisions, decisions...


Anonymous said...

Don't you have any furniture?

Anonymous said...

yah, they got bunk beds! BUNK BEDS! that's so cool.

zizjkaw! (my magic word)

Anonymous said...

looks like an airplane bathroom!

Anonymous said...

is pink for boys and blue for girls? or is it the other way around?

Anonymous said...

Love the apartment. Where do you hang clothes?

c & d said...

hang clothes? yeah right.