the best away from home xmas possible
christmas eve. cleaned, decorated, stuff to sit on... we're set.
yup. i made eggnog. it was delicious. and the green stuff in the little bowl? those are wasabi covered soybeans.
i know you are all excited to see our japanese turkey. well this is the christmas of the turkey that never was. they burnt it. and after much apologizing and bowing (on the ground bowing) they gave us mega chicken. mega.
our meal was made complete with carrots, mashed potatoes and hiroko's homemade cranberry sauce. and guy's foot. we didn't eat it, but it was right there.
so that's it. of course there are more pictures on flickr. people were here for over 10hrs. i was freaking exhausted. darren was freaking drunk. it was freaking great.

1 comment:
That was a lot of freakin' chicken!
Merry Christmas you guys!! We missed you, but rest assured Puppet Chrissy and Puppet Darren had a great time!
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