21st century breakdown
we went to the green day show on monday. we decided on saturday that it was ridiculous for us to not be going so thanks to kijiji, we got some pretty wicked seats!!!
it was amazing... victoria was on the floor and saw some guy rip his shirt off all dramatic like when they came on stage. charmaine was there too and now has a black eye.
when i took my sociology of death and dying class in university, i had to plan my own funeral. "good riddance" was to be playing to a beautiful montage of pictures of my life. but then it was everyone's grad song and it was even on an episode of er when a little boy was sick and eventually died. i was the originator, people. just wanted you all to know that.
darren is such a manly homeowner. he has a circular saw and a ratchet set and some screwdrivers and a toolbox to keep them in. i have a caulking gun and a lot of swiffer products. not so manly.
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