Wednesday, November 11, 2009

sometimes i worry that i am boring and sometimes i feel so totally bored but i don't know what to do about it. so much sitting around. get up and get out? i know! but where? everything costs money. we're going to vegas in february so that's where all of our money goes right now. walked around whyte on the weekend and i totally loved that. spent very little. i'm also dreading winter. then there's no options really of what to do because it's so cold that i really don't want to go outside and start the car and scrape it off and wait for it to warm up and then go somewhere and get out of the car into the blistering cold... i just made myself it too early to make resolutions? usually i hate seeing or hearing anything christmassy until at least my birthday is over but this year is different... don't get me wrong, i'm still all about me on my birthday but i love that there are so many christmas things out and around. except for lights on houses... so too early.

i read this blog written by a girl in toronto, raymitheminx. i stumbled across it clicking on links from matthew good's website a long
long long time ago. i don't know why she is so facinating to me. It's not that she does anything crazy amazing... she just seems so real. maybe that's what it is. it it feels like i know her. i know that i don't know her. i only know what she wants the world to know but it makes me want to know her. but that's how she writes. for like 5 years, i've read her blog... i hope she never stops.

a day off in the middle of the week... hair and laundry and cupcakes!

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