Friday, December 22, 2006


that's right, boyz and girlz. i am done. for 17 dayz i am done. done work. no reading outloud about yuki going to england and eating fish and chips with mr. brown. no reading about daisuke's uncle who powers his house with solar energy. seriously, this is what is in the textbook.

(i have mad skillz using z instead of s)

tonight is the year end party for my school. it's way too expensive so i'm not going. instead d and i are going to have a nice quiet "i bet i can drink more than you can" intimate affair at ohsho.
who do you think will win?


Anonymous said...

Soy seguro que Darren ganará. Gracias por la tarjeta de cumpleaños. Feliz cumpleaños tardío a Darren

c & d said...

"I am sure that Darren will win. Thanks for the birthday card. Happy late birthday to Darren." (at least i think that's what it says...)

darren did win.

but who do we know that speaks spanish?????