here we go adventuring!!
we spent yesterday in kamakura with tokiko and taishi. tokiko is the nurse at my school. she spent 2 years in san fransisco and learned english from teenagers and a big black lesbian. her words, not mine.
taishi is a friend of hers. he met us there.
when he came through the gates he was obviously wasted. d says to me "how do you get that drunk before 11am?" we decided he just hadn't been to bed yet. and he hugged us. never met him before. so funny. later on he fell asleep in the bathroom at a cafe.
so kamakura... the great buddha, a huge shrine, and billions of temples. (well not billions, but i'm not allowed to say mega, remember?)
and there aren't many pictures of darren because he was mr. camera.
it was so cold. but there were people windsurfing.
so many more pictures on flickr. don't judge them. it was hard to get the lighting right yesterday.
we bought rice crakers from a street vendor and we ate lunch at an indian restaurant.
we went to hasedera temple. first one we've gone to. but you can't take pictures inside of the halls. so you will have to come to japan yourself to see the largest wooden statue in japan. the english "children's guide" that we got told us the story of the statue. about half way through it says "by the way, i am huge." that basically became the english phrase of the day. that, along with "yeah, so? what's the big deal?" the japanese phrase of the day was "watashi wa desha des... choo choo!" (i am a train... choo choo!)
it was an awesome day. now i am even more excited to go to kyoto. more temples. more gardens. more.