Saturday, February 24, 2007

here we go adventuring!!

we spent yesterday in kamakura with tokiko and taishi. tokiko is the nurse at my school. she spent 2 years in san fransisco and learned english from teenagers and a big black lesbian. her words, not mine.taishi is a friend of hers. he met us there.when he came through the gates he was obviously wasted. d says to me "how do you get that drunk before 11am?" we decided he just hadn't been to bed yet. and he hugged us. never met him before. so funny. later on he fell asleep in the bathroom at a kamakura... the great buddha, a huge shrine, and billions of temples. (well not billions, but i'm not allowed to say mega, remember?)and there aren't many pictures of darren because he was mr. was so cold. but there were people windsurfing.
so many more pictures on flickr. don't judge them. it was hard to get the lighting right yesterday.we bought rice crakers from a street vendor and we ate lunch at an indian restaurant.we went to hasedera temple. first one we've gone to. but you can't take pictures inside of the halls. so you will have to come to japan yourself to see the largest wooden statue in japan. the english "children's guide" that we got told us the story of the statue. about half way through it says "by the way, i am huge." that basically became the english phrase of the day. that, along with "yeah, so? what's the big deal?" the japanese phrase of the day was "watashi wa desha des... choo choo!" (i am a train... choo choo!)it was an awesome day. now i am even more excited to go to kyoto. more temples. more gardens. more.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

in the studio

i can't wait... and we'll be home for the tour.

Friday, February 16, 2007

laundry day last week

blargh blerg bleep

conversation i had 280 times this week:

me: good morning (name).
280: good morning chrissy (or something close to it).
me: how are you today?
280: i'm fine thank you, and you?
me: i'm fine too, thank you. what day is it today?
280: it's (day of the week).
me: what's the date today?
280: it's (the date).
me: do you play / like / have ______ ?
280. yes, i do. / no i don't.

and so on...

made me laugh out loud:

me: what day is it today?
student: it's sunny!!

she was so happy and totally sure that was that right answer... oh, first years.

they also often answer "yes i am" to questions like "when's your birthday" or "how old are you". they are very very cute.

speaking of cute...
and then there is this kid...
ah, the internet.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

v day

where the v can mean anything from velvet to vagina. but today... today it means valentine's.

in japan, v day means lots of chocolate. i would say mega chocolate, but as i've told you, i am no longer allowed to say mega.

i got a bit of chocolate. and this i got from d...
true that, my love... true that.

happy valentine's day!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

sunny and windy

we did some walking around today. d mostly took pictures of us or of me. he makes me feel pretty.sometimes the singer from the strokes sounds like tim armstrong from rancid.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

when i fall asleep

darren does crazy cool things with the blog. like it??? i'm still messing with the font colors...

nothing to write about.

we heard that scott and candice might want to move to china. that's awesome. i like to think that we have inspired, even if it's not because of us...

today is national foundation day which means that tomorrow is a day off!! long weekend!!

i've started planning our 10 day adventure around japan. kyoto, takayama, himeji, and hiroshima. maybe nara and okayama.

i'm not allowed to say mega anymore.

if anyone wants to buy me anything for no reason whatsoever, i need some clothes. shirts mostly. i have the same t-shirts that i've worn for a few years. i plan to go shopping when we get home. i'm just saying... if you are looking for something to spend money on... hi.

first thing to actually buy when we get home? a car. need it for work. we're looking at this in blue. daddy, wanna go car shopping in april?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

love is what i got

d said that he doesn't like imdb. i asked him why. his answer... "because i am d.b."

i love him. he's funny and he can cook.

i also love heroes. i haven't watched the new one yet so don't say anything about it.

what else do i love... japan. i love japan.

and i love surprise phone calls from allie in what is the middle of the night for her.

our camera. still love that.

and you. i love you too.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

beautiful day in the neighborhood

we took advantage of the beautiful day yesterday. walked around, played at the park, took a billion pictures... great day.sean gets 10 points. i don't think he has the right episode though. maybe. i'll watch it later and let ya know. i'm good like that.

**update** only 10 points for sean... anyone else wanna venture a guess?
so did the groundhog see his shadow? d told john about groundhog day and all john could say was "damn crazy canadians."february 3rd is a special day in japan. you clean your house but then go around and throw beans everywhere saying essentially "get out bad luck and come on in good luck!!" and you eat special long maki rolls that are filled with everything. they symbolize your friends and family and you don't cut them to eat them so that your friends and family will always be whole and close to you.

jason passed his physical test and now he's a corrections officer. this is what he had to do today. crazy. he said that part f was the hardest... drop on your back, get up, jump over a bar, then drop on your stomach and repeat... only your hands could touch the bar. ridiculous.

ok. so. flickr. go there. mega pictures. mega.

Friday, February 2, 2007

the story of christy and her 200 yen

on wednesday night we went to denny's for coffee and dessert. their till was doing weird things and the chick only gave us 400yen instead of 600yen for change. it didn't click until after we left and it was only 200yen so we didn't bother going back to get it. today we went there for breakfast and after we ordered, a waitress came to our table with this...a reciept with my name (well, close to my name) and the rest of our change taped to it... 3 days later. where else except japan?

and this is how i do nachos in japan... taco shells and salsa. i'm so ghetto.
ah, sunset...

ah, my life...

d just used the word "galavanting" in a serious context. i think his 31 is really getting the better of him. it's moved on from his knee and is now affecting his speech.

jennifer and i have decided that we are changing the english language. if you add a silent ph to any word, it can mean something different. usually, it just makes the word that much more severe... ex. weenie becomes wephenie and means a weenie but a much weenier weenie.

i asked d what time it was and he said "it's fuckin' twenty to dinner!" jennifer suggested that i teach kids to tell time like that.

i'm boring. this one time i was really bored and i typed "i am bored" into google and there it was... i am bored dot com. it's a great place for games.

someone called us very early this morning and i don't know who it was. i thought i heard a male and a female voice talking to each other as i picked up and they hung up. who was it?!?!?!

we have no new pictures. sorry. maybe tomorrow. oh wait. the whole galavanting situation...

want to know how the world sends me messages? today i was complaining about a lesson i have to do at elementary next week and i said "my life is so hard!" and then i slammed my head down on what was supposed to be my arm. it was my arm, but my lovely silver bangle was in the way and so i slammed my head down on it and now i have a nice liney bruise in the middle of my forehead. thanks, the world.

i gotta go. my damn wiener kids are listening

(10 points if you can tell me what show that's from. 50 if you can tell me from which episode)