beautiful day in the neighborhood
we took advantage of the beautiful day yesterday. walked around, played at the park, took a billion pictures... great day.sean gets 10 points. i don't think he has the right episode though. maybe. i'll watch it later and let ya know. i'm good like that.
**update** only 10 points for sean... anyone else wanna venture a guess?so did the groundhog see his shadow? d told john about groundhog day and all john could say was "damn crazy canadians."
february 3rd is a special day in japan. you clean your house but then go around and throw beans everywhere saying essentially "get out bad luck and come on in good luck!!" and you eat special long maki rolls that are filled with everything. they symbolize your friends and family and you don't cut them to eat them so that your friends and family will always be whole and close to you.
jason passed his physical test and now he's a corrections officer. this is what he had to do today. crazy. he said that part f was the hardest... drop on your back, get up, jump over a bar, then drop on your stomach and repeat... only your hands could touch the bar. ridiculous.
ok. so. flickr. go there. mega pictures. mega.
do i get another try? well im taking one anyway. it's the bowling episode isnt it? cuz homer's on the phone saying "those guys we played last night sucked. they were the suckiest bunch of sucks who ever sucked."
do you chew the maki roll? or do you have to swallow it whole?
it's the bowling episode!! "i gotta go. my damn wiener kids are listening." and then he hangs up the phone and lisa says "we are not wieners."
total sean: 60 points
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