Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Plans for 2005

hey y'all. 2005 is like 4 days away and we have some ginormous plans for the coming year. the biggest of all, i think, is us moving to Japan. i know... "WHAT!!!" yup, Japan. i'm gonna teach english and d is gonna be my housewife. i think it's a pretty sweet deal. other plans for the year include getting massages, going out for a fancy dinner, and heading to BC in the summer and going to Shambhala. that is one thing that we are very excited about!! japan is scary exciting, but Shambhala... now that is just crazy exciting!!! all of this stuff is gonna cost us some money, but i think we're gonna be ok. another plan for the new year (and this one is simply mine) is to be how i wanna be and look how i wanna look. everyone may say "oh, chrissy, you're not fat!! you look fine!!" but they don't know how i feel. i feel large, and not in charge (ha ha). i was thin once so i know how it looks and i know that i was so much more confident and sure of myself. so, minds have been made up, and things are going to get done this year. yay 2005!!!


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I'M 27!!!!!!

so... it was my birthday yesterday and it was great!!! dinner at japanese village was so cool, and i got lots of very sweet wishes from lots of great people. the real celebration is on saturday, the 20th and i hope everyone comes out for a great time!!! yay 27!!!


Saturday, November 6, 2004

Hi Again

Hi again... and it feels good... to be here. We haven't felt like this for awhile and it's pretty nice. Nothing to do...nowhere to go... nothing to be. Here's a question, why does anyone feel the need to do anything? Anything, that is, more than what "needs to be done". I guess what "needs to be done" is a subjective view. But so far, we've managed to get what we, and society ('cause we still bide by the laws... sort of), feel "needs to be done" , and we still have lots of time for ourselves. Granted we don't have kids or other obligations (outside of work) to consider. We live simple, we don't vote, we don't watch T.V.(except for cartoons). We look after ourselves fairly well, but we're by no means gym junkies. You want to not like us because we're so good together, but you can't because we're so good apart too, as individuals. We do what we can to be a bright spot on the road to wherever you're headed when our paths cross. We do what we can, for who we can because we've been down some of the paths that these people are going down. We'll tell them what's down there and we'll always be there if they decide to come back. We seem to make people smile and feel pretty good, and that fuels us to keep going doing what we're doing. People look to us for advice, and seem to value our opinions. What we say may not be what you want to hear, it will be what we believe to be the best advice. If you don't really want to know, don't ask. It's rare to find a couple that doesn't fight, each holds the other in the highest regard and there's a mutual respect and admiration at the base of it. But that all said, we know it could all be gone tomorrow, so we live with what we've got today, so we don't regret yesterday.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Dear Santa,

something totally unexpected came to us today. we have never been given anything like this. we can't tell you what it is, as we have "considerations" to consider ; ), what we can tell you is that "Santa" has just done more for us than he knows.

so... to "Santa":
#1. this is as big a deal as we will make and the last we'll speak of it.
#2. as you wish.
#3. done!!
#4. you first... got it!
#5. how about 2?

we can't thank you enough. you have a GIANT heart and we love you. you'll always be our no. 8!!



The American people have once again elected their president and representative to the world, and for the next four years the world has to deal with the Bush Administration and his army of self-serving supporters. What is wrong with the American public? Do they actually believe that this arrogant businessman is going to end this cash-cow conflict? He's looking out for #1 (and I don't mean the American people). With so many issues and problems plaguing the country, (ie. poverty and crime), how will these problems will be solved when all your time and resources are spent overseas? Forcing your 'demockracy' and 'freedoms' down the throats of anyone who has someting you want, then taking it when they stop resisting. I suppose you set the Native Americans free too. Parents cry out against bullies in the schoolyard but apparently don't seem to mind, and in some cases are proud, that America is out pushing around the rest of the world, taking their lunch money with threats of force for non-compliance. All of this is happening under the guise of National Security. Guess what... there would be no threat to your National Security if you would just stay out of the places you don't belong and keep your nose out of business that doesn't concern you, but that's not your style. You want it all. You are nothing more than vikings, in business suits. Pillage and rape, plunder and take, whatever suits you at the time. Mr. President, you will not succeed in your quest for a New World Order. Your country is but a few hundred years old and, like a small, drunk eighteen year old boy, you've got it all figured out and are ready to challenge anyone who tells you... you don't have all the answers.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Yay!!! Our first blog!!!

hey everybody!!! we have really no idea what we are doing here or why exactly we are doing this. so... hi to everyone and we'll be more interesting soon... we promise.
