Saturday, October 25, 2008

a-musing (maybe)

remember when we used to update this? those were the days.....

well chrissy is in toronto visiting gayle, who she hasn't seen in years... though on listening to them talk though you'd never know it's been as long as it has.

i'm a bartender now, and a darn good one i might add. i stepped down as bar manager because the business side of business holds no water for me. i'm not the man. i want to find my own footholds. I'm not closing the door on the possibilities, i do see them and know that they're there, and they'll be there for a long time yet.

we've both fallen back into reading again. chrissy's having a torrid love affair with the twilight series, of course the only vampire i care for is angel... i'm reading the electric kool-aid acid test by tom wolfe. it tells the story of the lsd movement in the early sixties. it was spearheaded by ken kesey (who wrote 'one flew over the cuckoos nest'), and he (kesey) is the central character in the book. what a crazy time to be alive the sixties would've been. that reminds me, watch 'across the universe' if you haven't already.

does everyone know that chrissy is a supervisor of success coaches? she'll be all modest and say 'part-time supervisor' but she's already full-time awesome. i don't know how she does it. she doesn't know how big an impact she really has, on everyone. people really look up to her. i know i do.

i guess that's all i have for now. maybe in another few months, after more stuff happens, someone will update again. maybe.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

does anyone else think it's weird that when you go into a movie theatre, you just totally trust that the seat is clean and dry and free of gum and/or pee? it's dimly lit and i just plunk right down and get comfortable. there's no guarantee that the person who sat there last had a strong enough bladder to make it through to the end of the movie. why so trusting?!?!?!? it'll happen once that it's not a safe seat and only then will i remember to check the seat before i sit down and once i start checking i will never find another unsafe seat again.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

more summer and this guy hung out today. no big deal... i just had to throw him knives and a flaming torch while he was riding a 9ft unicycle.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

oh my god i love summer so much i can't stand how much i freaking love summer.what have i done since july started? well, i've gone to a backyard bbq, had 2 picnics, go-karted and bumberboated, and gone to the pitch and putt.d decided that we needed a pool so there is one on our balcony now.haven't gone in it yet cuz it hasn't been as hot out since we got it. we think we might have a pool party...oh, and i have a question... what does your daytimer say about you?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

2 months without a post. not bad... just been busier with other things. but now, since it's a craptacularly blizzardy day, why not write something?d's in vancouver right now doing some kind of conference/training stuff. i'm so proud of him. i'm still not sure if he totally likes his job, but he keeps getting promotions so... who knows.i think i'll stay in my pyjamas all day and watch movies. yes. definitely yes.

watching the food network while it's so snowing isn't such a good idea. i want to go out and buy stuff to make EVERYTHING I SEE!!! seriously... french toast croissants with carmelized bananas for breakfast, pepper and sausage spaghetti for dinner... yum. i think i'll make some kind of spaghetti for dinner tonight. maybe with ground turkey and sundried tomatoes...

i haven't been sticking to the workout routine for the last couple of weeks. and i ate mega crappy this weekend. i can't see the difference but i can definitely feel it. i feel like blah.
got my lip ring changed yesterday... half dome beads. teeny tiny and sit flush against my lip. very subtle.when we were in calgary last weekend, we lived it up like rock stars... suite hotel room, valet parking, crab cakes, room there it is.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

no matter how many times i see it, the last episode of friends always makes me cry. that one, and the one where monica proposes to chandler. i don't know why. oh, it's because i'm so lame.

turns out it was the memory card. so now we have 3 2GB cards. it was a deal i couldn't say no to. 6GB for like $43.

oh yeah... i got a new tattoo. it's wicked pretty. and it's not done yet. 4 hours and it's not done. i know!! and since our camera is no longer ill, maybe i'll get a picture of it...

d's dad's coming next weekend. eek!!!

our camera is broken and it makes me sad. i'm going to buy a new memory card today and see if that's the problem. if that doesn't work, i'll be sad and cry a little (and by a little, i mean a LOT)...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

misaki is fine. swimming normally and eyes all big like they should be. phew.

lisa and i went to a yoga class today. i know. we're great.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

so, our fish might die. after i cleaned the tank, i left him sitting in his cup like always so that the new water could get to room temperature. next time i looked, he was flopping around on the counter. then he flopped on the floor and i screamed and cried and darren picked him up and put him into the tank. now he's swimming funny and his eyes don't look as big as they should.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

sometimes i think that i am a giant weakling. but then sometimes i think that i can do anything. sometimes things are really really hard and i want to give up. and sometimes stuff just comes so easily. sometimes i'm totally bored. sometimes i have way too much to do with hardly enough time to do it. sometimes i have no idea what i want out of life. but today, i'm totally sure.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

stuff to do this weekend:

~ watch a lot of movies
~ get some groceries
~ talk to lisa about yoga
~ laundry
~ eat
~ sleep
~ be merry

b.o.r.i.n.g? no way.

tattoo in 18 days.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

this is what we did monday night.
darren drank 2 beers. both through straws.
i am so in love with garon. it's not even funny.
the zamboni says "pork".oilers won 4 - 0.and that's how dirty our car is right now.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

the goods

~ japan : still feels like a dream. i miss it terribly a lot of the time. someone asked me recently if we'll ever go back. probably not is what i said, and it made me really sad. but life has to go on, right?

~ jobs : d is finally working somewhere that is recognizing and rewarding his work. in 3 months, he's doubled his wage and been put in charge. and i think he actually enjoys working there. weird. and i love my job. nothing new there, but what is new is that i am constantly surrounded by people at the school who actually see the work i'm doing and support and encourage me in it.

~ friends : reconnected with the wonderful ones. ousted the selfish ones.

~ family : lived with my parents for a bit while we looked for a place. i am so lucky to have them. d's mom and aunt came to visit in october. i'm also lucky to have them. scott and candice, lisa and andrew, sean and chelsea... amazingness coupled. jennifer and aidan get stuck in the family category too. awwwwwwww!!!

2008 will hopefully bring about much of the same. stick travelling and healthiness and adventure in there and it'll be the best yet!!!

i do, of course have resolutions. i'm sure everyone does. i heard on the news that only 20% of people keep them past february. the most important one i have i think is planning for the future. next comes healthiness, patience, and keeping up on keeping in touch.

happy new year everyone!!